Kavala Archaeological Museum
Despoina Skoulariki
Source: C.E.T.I.
© Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
The Kavala Archaeological Museum was installed in the years 1963–1964. The construction of the building was carried out on the basis of the plans of D. Fatouros and G. Triantafyllidis, professors in the Faculty of Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
The exhibition rooms of the museum comprise an entrance hall with Roman sculptures (30 BC–324 AD), two halls, two atriums, a gallery and an upper storey.
In the first atrium are funerary steles, inscriptions and architectural members from various sites of Eastern Macedonia. The first hall, which is named Neapolis, contains finds from the excavations at the site of the ancient city of Neapolis and, in particular, the location of the Sanctuary of Parthenos. The restoration of the main architectural members of the temple that are displayed deep down the hall has been adapted to the height of this room. Corinthian, Ionic, Cycladic, Thasian and Attic vessels as well as figurines originating from various workshops are also on exhibit in the museum showcases.
The showcases of the passageway leading to the main halls display finds of the Neolithic Age (6500 – 3200 BC) and the Bronze Age (3200 – 1100 BC) originating from various settlements in Eastern Macedonia: Dikili–Tas, Dimitra, Akropotamos, Galipsos, Kalampaki, etc. In the second atrium are inscriptions, funerary and votive steles, sculptures mainly from Amphipolis along with architectural members from several sites. The second hall is named after Amphipolis because it houses the antiquities found in this ancient city. Deep down the hall, a large silver vessel as well as a gold wreath from a 4th century BC tomb are displayed, while the restored biers of a 3rd century BC Macedonian tomb are placed at the corner of the hall. There is a characteristic plaque of the 3rd century BC with brilliantly preserved colours that has two rows of six masks from characters of the New comedy affixed on its surface. The painted funerary stele with the names of Pipis, Phanis and Hegemon is a great piece of art of the 3rd century BC, too. At the lower showcases, gold jewellery found in tombs and glass vessels of the Hellenistic (323 – 30 BC) and the Roman times (30 BC – 324 AD) are exhibited. A hydria with a lead cover is placed on a separate stand. In the large hall of the upper storey are the antiquities originating from Galipsos, Oisymi and Strymi, which were colonies of Thasos, Mesembria, a Samothracian colony, and Abdera, a colony of Teos, as well as finds from the tomb of Nikisiani and other Macedonian and Thracian sites.
At present, the project of the extension of the Kavala Archaeological Museum has been drawn up by the Faculty of Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, under the direction of prof. D. Fatouros, and has been implemented in the Regional Programme of the Second Community Support Framework.
Archaeological Museum of Kavala,
17, Erythrou Stravrou Str.,
PC 65110, Kavala
Opening Days & Hours
Μέρες /Ώρες Λειτουργίας
15/10/2005 - 31/03/2006:
Tuesday to Sunday: 08.30-15.00
Holidays 28 October, 6 January, Shrove Monday, Holy Saturday, Easter Monday, Holy Spirit Day, 15 August: 08:30 - 15:30
25 & 26 December, 1 January, 25 March, Good Friday (08:30 – 12:00), Easter Sunday, 1 May: closed