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Culture Religion Monuments Christian Orthodox Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Prefecture of Xanthi Municipality of Vistonida

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Tourism-Modern Life
Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
Municipality of Avdera
Municipality of Alexandroupolis
Municipality of Vistonida
Municipality of Didimotihos
Municipality of Doxato
Municipality of Drama
Municipality of Thasos
Municipality of Kato Nevrokopi
Municipality of Komotini
Municipality of Maronia
Municipality of Xanthi
Municipality of Prosotsani
Municipality of Samothraki
Municipality of Sapes
Municipality of Soufli
Municipality of Stavroupolis
Municipality of Sosto
Municipality of Pheres
Municipality of Philippoi
Prefecture of Drama
Prefecture of Evros
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Holy Church of Saint Nicolas, Porto Lagos

Georgios Tsigaras
Source: C.E.T.I.
© Region of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace
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Location: The church is located on an islet of Vistonida Lagoon or Bourou, close to the fishermen settlement of Porto Lagos.
The Monument: No exact date for the erection of the original church of Saint Nicolas. It has been claimed that it was probably erected after 1371 by fishermen of the lagoon and monks of the monastery of Vatopedi. However, it remains unknown whether the church was built over the foundations of a previous building or not.
In a later phase, in the early 19th century, under Metropolitan Nathanael of Xanthi, the new church of Saint Nicolas was erected shortly after it was destroyed. The earlier church must have been smaller and built with materials of poor quality. Later on, the Metropolitan Seraphim of Xanthi erected a bigger church. During the Thracian Fight (1912-1920), Bulgarians caused serious damages to the church of Saint Nicolas, the fish farms of the metochion as well as the Porto Lagos settlement.
According to a founding inscription that lies on the lintel of the church entrance, it was built in its present form in 1904.
It is a single-aisled church with a gabled roof and a gallery on the west. On the outer side of the church, on the lintel of the southern entrance, stands a walled marble icon of Saint Nicolas. The wooden tripartite iconostasis is simple ending to a pediment. The rest of the iconostasis contains icons of Christ, Panaghia and Timios Prodromos, all elaborated in an athonite workshop in 1815. There are also icons of a later period, namely the miraculous catch of fish in lake Tiberias and the icons of Saint Demetrios and Saint George on the upper part and the icons of Theodores Statilatis and Tiron on the lower side.
A modern, single-storey building that was erected in 1958, replaced the old guesthouse of the metochion and is used by the monks of the monastery of Vatopedi serving at the metochion of their monastery.
In a distance of 100 m far from the metochion, on an artificial islet connected with this one, lies a contemporary church dedicated to Theotokos Pantanassa.
ÂÉÂËÉÏÃÑÁÖÉÁ: Í. Ë. ÊÕÍÇÃÏÐÏÕËÏÓ, ¢ãéïò Íéêüëáïò. Ôï ìåôü÷é ôçò É. Ì. Âáôïðáéäßïõ óôï ÐïñôïëÜãïò ÎÜíèçò, Èåóóáëïíßêç 1999• Ð. Á. ÃÅÙÑÃÁÍÔÆÇÓ, ÓõìâïëÞ åéò ôçí éóôïñßáí ôçò ÎÜíèçò, ÎÜíèç 1976• Ð. Á. ÃÅÙÑÃÁÍÔÆÇÓ, Èñáêéêüò Áãþíáò 1921-1920. ¾óôáôïé áðåëåõèåñùôéêïß áãþíåò ôçò Ä. ÈñÜêçò, ÎÜíèç 1993• ÌÏÍÁÓÔÇÑÉÁ ÔÇÓ ÅÃÍÁÔÉÁÓ ÏÄÏÕ, Ðïëéôéóôéêüò – Ôïõñéóôéêüò ïäçãüò, ôüì. 2, ÊåíôñéêÞ êáé ÄõôéêÞ Ìáêåäïíßá, ÈñÜêç – Íüôéá ðñþçí Ã. Ä. ôçò Ìáêåäïíßáò, Íüôéá Âïõëãáñßá (Äñüìïé ôïõ Ïñèïäüîïõ Ìïíá÷éóìïý), ÁèÞíá 1999• Ã. ÐÁÐÁÔÓÁÑÏÕ×ÁÓ, Ðñüóùðá êáé ôïðùíýìéá ôçò âõæáíôéíÞò ÎÜíèåéáò, ÈñáêéêÜ ×ñïíéêÜ 41 (1986)• ×. ÌÐÁÊÉÑÔÆÇÓ, ÂõæáíôéíÞ ÈñÜêç, 330-1453, ÈñÜêç, ÁèÞíá 1994• Ì. ÊÏÕÊÏÓ, Óôá âÞìáôá ôïõ ÏñöÝá. Ïäïéðïñéêü ôçò ÈñÜêçò, Áëåîáíäñïýðïëç 1991• Ã. ×Ñ. ÔÓÉÃÁÑÁÓ, Éåñüò Íáüò Áãßïõ ÍéêïëÜïõ Ðüñôï ËÜãïõò, óôï: ÈñçóêåõôéêÜ Ìíçìåßá óôï Íïìü ÎÜíèçò, åðéìÝëåéá: Ãåþñãéïò ×ñ. ÔóéãÜñáò, ÎÜíèç 2005.