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Home 28 September 2024
Culture Architecture Traditional Architecture Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Prefecture of Xanthi

Southwestern side of Satres bridge
(Photo: Nikolaos Th. Kokkas)
Southeastern side of Satres
(Photo: Nikolaos Th. Kokkas)

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Neoclassic Architecture
Traditional Architecture
Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
Prefecture of Drama
Prefecture of Evros
Prefecture of Kavala
Prefecture of Xanthi
Prefecture of Rodopi
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Satres bridge

Nikolaos Th. Kokkas
Source: C.E.T.I.
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The two bowed bridge of Satres village of Xanthi’s prefecture is a representative form of the bridges we meet at the Rodopi mountains. The decking’s length is in 34 m and 3.20 m in width. The big bow is 12.80 m in length and 8.60 m in height. The small bow is 6.30 m in length and 3.80 m in height. Besides the two arches, we find two bows that lighten the whole construction of the bridge. These bows are in 3.30 m height and 1.85 m in length. The visitor is impressed by the imposing place were the bridge was built, just across the central square of the settlement. An iron bridge was recently constructed across the stone bridge, leading to the temple.
The Satres village (Sinikova in Pomak language) is the Satres county seat, situated in 260 m altitude and having 300 inhabitants (2001 census).