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Home 29 September 2024
Culture Architecture Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Prefecture of Evros Municipality of Samothraki

Aspect of chora
(Photo: V. Voutsas (“THRACE”, Greek Traditional Architecture, v.8: Macedonia B – Thrace. Melisa, Athens 1991 p.152 picture 9))

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Webpage of Xanthi’s Prefecture
Formal webpage of Xanthi’s Prefecture
Webpage of Eastern Macedonia – Thrace Region
Official webpage Eastern Macedonia – Thrace Region

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Tourism-Modern Life
Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
Municipality of Avdera
Municipality of Alexandroupolis
Municipality of Vistonida
Municipality of Drama
Municipality of Thasos
Municipality of Iasmos
Municipality of Komotini
Municipality of Maronia
Municipality of Metaxades
Municipality of Myki
Municipality of Xanthi
Municipality of Pangeo
Municipality of Samothraki
Municipality of Soufli
Municipality of Pheres
Municipality of Philippoi
Prefecture of Drama
Prefecture of Evros
Prefecture of Kavala
Prefecture of Xanthi
Prefecture of Rodopi
Under Construction: Subtopics All topics
Neoclassic Architecture
Traditional Architecture


Chrisa Melkidi
Source: C.E.T.I.
© Eastern Macedonia – Thrace Region
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One of the leading types of the Samothracian architecture is the traditional residence. They first called it “Aitsenio”, a house with a terrace (aitsi = terrace). This house was a simple construction, built with stones without daubing, having a cellar that was used as a stable, and other accessorial spaces. There was an only space at the floor with an elementary equipment, having one or two windows that were covered with a flat wooden ceiling (aetsa) that was sequentially covered with a thick layer of algae (15 cm), another equally thick layer of mad and a waterproof layer of argillaceous clay – a marble cylinder was use to maintain this part. In the end of the 19th century, residencies grew bigger, with roofs of tiles, external coatings and particular classicist elements. After 1922 the new types of sachnisia (roofed balconies) appeared, the smirneika sachnisia, and the constructed environment was shaped colorfully. Occupational buildings since 1880 are stone ground floor or bi leveled, with sun parlors. The older ones had bowed openings and ornamental edge tiles (fourousia). There are also buildings of mixed use in a neoclassic style, with big openings and balconies. The housings on the floor had distinguished rooms and a reception that replaced the old single unified space.

Source: G. Kizis, “THRACE”, Traditional Greek Architecture, v.8: Macedonia B – Thrace. Melisa, Athens 1991.