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Culture Personas Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Prefecture of Drama

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Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
Prefecture of Drama
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Patriarch Joachim I

Despoina Skoulariki
Source: C.E.T.I.
© Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
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Joachim I, former Metropolitan of Drama, was elected Patriarch of Constantinople in autumn 1498 AD, succeeding Nephon II in the Patriarch’s throne.
The Metropolitan was a modest and virtuous man who travelled around, after his election, at the area of his former district, Drama and Serres. In 1500, he made a journey to Iberia in order to raise money for the Patriarchate. After he returned home, he found himself involved in intrigues that obliged him to quit in the spring of 1502. He was restored in the early 1504 and remained to the Patriarch’s throne until the autumn of 1504, when he died in the town of Drista while on journey in Moldavia.