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Home 29 September 2024
Culture Folklore -Customs Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Prefecture of Drama

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Tourism-Modern Life
Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
Municipality of Myki
Prefecture of Drama
Prefecture of Evros
Prefecture of Xanthi
Prefecture of Rodopi
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Arkoudes (bears)

Mina Machairopoulou
Source: C.E.T.I.
© Eastern Macedonia - Thrace Region
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During the morning of the 8th of January the preparation of the bride – a man is dressed as a woman- and groom begins. It is the couple that participates in the satirical representation of the local marriage.

When the couple gets out of the house and reaches the square along with the other villagers, bears make their appearance –men masqueraded in sheepskins. Every team of bears has a leader, arkoudiaris, who holds the def (membranophone instruement) and creates a joylfuness atmosphere.