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Home 29 September 2024
Culture Folklore -Customs Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Prefecture of Evros

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Tourism-Modern Life
Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
Municipality of Myki
Prefecture of Drama
Prefecture of Evros
Prefecture of Xanthi
Prefecture of Rodopi
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Mina Machairopoulou
Source: C.E.T.I.
© Eastern Macedonia - Thrace Region
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On the second day after Christmas, young men of the village are masqueraded. The protagonists are Babousiaros and the bride –a man masqueraded as a woman. Babousiaros has a scary animal costume, wears a gourd on his head with hollows in the parts of the eyes and the mouth. A gourd is tied around his waist and bells around his neck. The couple is accompanied by villagers and musicians. They all go from one house to another scaring people, especially children. They are called Babousiari, they make noise, jump upside down, stamp their feet on the ground and accept treats during their visits at the houses of the village.