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Culture Personas Eastern Macedonia and Thrace

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Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
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Bala Katerina
Source: C.E.T.I.
© Eastern Macedonia – Thrace Region
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Nikenetos is considered to be one of the epic poets and specialists in epigrams of ancient times, who wrote as many epic as many lyric poems. He was born in Avdira during the 3rd century B.C., but later he settled in Samos. Among his writings, we find an epic poem about the history of Samos, a romance titled “Lirkos”, a catalogue of eminent women, “Iie” and many epigrams. Six epigrams from the ‘Palatini anthologia” [Palatini anthology[ are saved. There is doubt on the authenticity of the fourth one. Stefanos Byzantios considers him as one of the famous people coming from Avdira and names him ‘epopio” (a maker of epics].