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Culture Personas Eastern Macedonia and Thrace

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Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
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Triantafilos Pitas

E. Dimitriadou - Efraimidou
Source: C.E.T.I.
© Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
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Triantafilos Pitas (1912-1999) was born in Soufli by parents who were refugees of the First World War. He lived his childhood in Soufli, Thasos and Eleftheroupolis. Then he lived and died in Athens. He wrote poetry and prose. His poems are based on the amatory element, influenced by Kavafis and Dinos Christianopoulos, while his prose stands between myth and fantasy, representing contemporary political and fictitious prose.
One of his important works is “Ta terata tha erthoune” [Monsters will come] (1969). Kimon Friar notes down for this work in the Journal Books Abroad: “This story book places its writer among the most important story writers in Greece”. There is no other story like this except Vasilis Vasilikos’ trilogy. In order to explore its influences we should go back to Edgar Alan Poe and Franz Kafka.
A big part of his work is inspired by homeland, Soufli of Evros: “piimata” [poems] in 1962, “Gimnastiki” [Gymnastics] in 1973 –the two poetry collections-, “Ta terata tha erthoune” [Monsters will come] 1969, 1981, “I magia ston lofo ton mouson” [Magic on the muses’ hill] 1979, “To kinima ton gimnon [The nudes’ movement] 1980, “I metakomisi” [Moving] 1977 (novel) –all story collections. A selection of his work was published in a volume by the Hestia Bookshop Publishing in 1990 with the title “Fantasia” [Fantasy]. A part of his library is at the Municipal Library of Soufli, in a special wing named after him.